Friday, December 26, 2008

步一步来,把 206 Bestari 的遥控器
A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing/Restoring the Remote Control Cover for 206 Bestari
Contributed by: etetet (Ethan)

这是你新车(Naza 206 Bestari)的主要钥匙。 它是二合为一(遥控器 + 车匙)的钥匙。 遥控器的一面 Naza Logo;另一面有两粒按钮(锁车门 & 开车门)。

This is the main key that comes with your new car, Naza 206 Bestari. It has the remote control built in together with the key itself. It bears the Naza logo on one side (as shown in picture); and 2 buttons (lock & unlock) on the other

There's only one screw on the remote control unit.
Undo the screw and you can now seperate the two sides of the remote control unit.

在以下的图你可以看到遥控器已经被一分为二了。图里左边的是 Emblem Side钥匙是插在这里的。在右边的是 Button Side,是夹着那青色的电板的。
Now the remote control unit is seperated into two. On the left in the picture below is the emblem side (with the key blade attached).
And the button side is on the right hand side (with the PCB attached).

细的看看 Emblem Side 的背面。在其中一个角落,你会发现一小块的黑色晶片这就你车子的晶片了。它储存了你的车子的 Starting Code,没有它在你的钥匙里,你是启动不了你的车子的。不信的话,试一试就知道了,把它撬出来(小心哦!),然��钥匙去 Start 车,看看有没有反应。

Look into the inner side of the emblem side cover and you will see a small black magnet-like chip at its corner.That's the chip which contains the code to start your car. It's something like an immobiliser.Without this chip in (or somewhere near by) your car key, you would not be able to start your engine.With care, remove that chip from your Naza remote control cover.


That's what you see after dissembling your car key.

Here comes the remote control cover with the Lion emblem. Yeah, looks a lot better than the Naza one.

现在,把 Naza Remote Control Cover 先放到一旁。 把之前撬出来的晶片放到新的小狮子 Cover 里面,再把钥匙插到新的 Cover 里。 然后就把两边的 Cover 接起来。你需要大力按一按它们才能把它们接好。

Now, do the reverse of what you have done earlier. Put the key blade back into the slot on the cover with the Lion emblem. Put the immobiliser chip into the slot on the inner side on the cover. And put the two sides of the cover back together. You will need to press them with force to make them fit nicely.

最后,把原有的螺丝锁回去就搞掂啦!!! 哈哈,有小狮子的遥控器好看很多吧!!

Lastly, put the screw back into its place and lock it tight. Voila!!! There you go, a remote control key with the Lion emblem.




  1. buy where can i got BB lion key..
    any info..

  2. My 206 key buttons are gone, need replacement but dunno where to get the parts. Anyone??
