Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Asian Auto-BOSCH Fuel Efficiency Awards 2008 Vehicle Winners

For those who kept asking what is the 206 FC is like.. well here you can find it out yourself, not just the 206 but also 207cc

thanks to lowpro for pointing out this info.

For Peugeot/Bestari 206 come in 2nd place.

207cc 1st place and 308GT 2nd place


  1. there's the 308GT in there too. came in second spot in it's category.

  2. just in case u wanna know who are 206 competitors, this is the link for all candidates for each category.

  3. LoL, how come Yaris was not even in the top 3?

  4. Wah~ Family Cars, Vios and City not on the Top 3 also; Could be V-TEC City... Persona Top 1?

  5. Now that IS something for Peugeot Malaysia. Nice one!

    Anyway, I've recorded even better fuel consupmtion with my 206, especially when I travel KL-Melaka-KL during the weekends.

  6. Juz wondering, is it possible for the Bestari 206 to run on Ron 92?
    Is there any difference in terms of power and fuel consumption??
    Is the coming Ron 95 suitable for the bestari 206 or Ron 97 is recommended??

    Thanx! ^^
